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    發(fā)布時間:2023-03-13 05:01:42     稿源: 創(chuàng)意嶺    閱讀: 148        問大家








    叨擾的意思是:[ tāorǎo ] tāorǎo客套話,打擾(受到款待,表示感謝)。

    Thank you for your hospitality



    1:A man's as old as he feels,and a woman's as old as she looks。


    2:An expert's one who knows more and more about less and less。


    3.Who chatters to you will chatter of you。


    4.If a man deceives me once,shame on him;If he deceives me twice,shame on me


    5.You can't eat your cake and have it。

    字面翻譯"你吃了蛋糕,就不能再有同一塊蛋糕了” 可以意譯為“魚與熊掌不可兼得”

    6.Two things a man should never be angry at:what he can help and what he can't help。

    這句話從字面翻譯不出來,從哲學的角度講,是奉勸人們不要對任何人或物生氣,“what he can help and what he can't help”,可以理解成為,任何事物都有雙面性,有好的一面,也有不好的一面,但無論好壞,你都不能對他生氣。

    7.Old men go to death,but death comes to young men



    1. 一篇介紹冰糖葫蘆,材料,如何做,哪里的著名,為什么特別的英語作


    Ice-sugar gourd, make many people can remember her childhood,

    The sweet and sour taste, favorite memories. Ice-sugar gourd, in song dynasty years began the practice of ancient formula, recorded in the history of qing years earlier, rage across, teahouse, theater, streets are everywhere, has now bee China's traditional snacks. Ice-sugar gourd enjoyed by young and old, it has appetizers, raise colour, increase the wisdom, eliminate fatigue, qingre role. Some years of the Spring Festival in Beijing on temple fair also often see string, long the top post gourd held a *** all flags, a string of on 100 to a recovery feet have weighed down by the red fruit, the bamboo stick son, take in your hand the chatter chatter, a more add a festive ambience of festival. The origin of the mentioned ice-sugar gourd, still have to say of the southern song SongGuangZong emperor. Every winter, regardless of the cities or the countryside, selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the busines *** an, or cart or shoulder, the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting. All Be in os and threes, each the size of the girl surrounded bought a bite on one, GaBengCui acid and sweet, sweet, very not pleasing may have. In people's impression, ice-sugar gourd is children eat snacks, generally a dollar a. Eat a taste of a single, occasionally, ice-sugar gourd

    2. 寫一篇關于介紹冰糖葫蘆的英語作文(有漢語翻譯)

    A candied haw is a traditional Chinese kind of food made of fruit and icing, bunched on a stick. The icing gets hard in the wind. It is a mon kind of snack in winter in the North, usually made of hawthorns, tasting sweet, sour and cold.。

    3. 一篇九年級的英語作文,介紹冰糖葫蘆,內(nèi)容要有如何做,哪里的最


    北方冬天常見的小吃,一般用山楂串成,糖稀被凍硬,吃起來又酸又甜,還很冰。 來歷 提起冰糖葫蘆的來歷,還得說說南宋的宋光宗皇帝呢。








    皇帝自然大喜,展開了愁眉。 老字號冰糖葫蘆 提起北京的冰糖葫蘆不得不說一下,早先北京的三家"信遠齋""九龍齋"""不老泉"老字號. 信遠齋的前身是信遠齋蜜果店,始建于清乾隆五年(1740年),原址在東琉璃廠,創(chuàng)辦人姓肖(一說姓劉),清光緒翰林、末代皇帝溥儀的老師朱益藩對信遠齋的蜜果脯和酸梅湯非常欣賞,曾題寫“信遠齋蜜果店”匾額,懸掛在門楣之上。




    外觀紅、白、黑三色分明,食之甜酸脆綿,清香利口。 九龍齋成立就不知道了. 制作步驟 原料:紅果、白砂糖 1.串果 挑選新鮮飽滿、大小均勻的紅果,洗凈。


    2.熬糖 把白砂糖倒入鍋中,按糖與水2:1的比例加入水,用猛火熬20分鐘左右。糖熬到剛剛好時,呈黏稠的透明狀。

    如果熬制時間不夠,糖會粘牙;如果熬得過久,糖則會泛苦味。 3.蘸糖 將串好的紅果貼著熬好的熱糖上泛起的泡沫輕輕轉(zhuǎn)動,裹上薄薄一層即可。


    糖要蘸上薄薄而均勻的一層,即算成功。 4.冷卻 將蘸好糖的紅果串放到水板上冷卻二三分鐘即可享用。


    功效 后來這種做法傳到民間,老百姓又把它串起來賣,就成了冰糖葫蘆。原來,山楂的藥用功效很多,它能夠消食積、散淤血、驅(qū)絳蟲、止痢疾,特別是助消化,自古為消食積之要藥,尤長于消肉積。



    但酸甜香脆的冰糖葫蘆直至今日仍是受人們喜愛吃的可口食品。 歌曲冰糖葫蘆 冰糖葫蘆---馮曉泉 都說冰葫蘆兒酸,酸里面它裹著甜 都說冰葫蘆兒甜,可甜里面它裹著酸 糖葫蘆好看它竹簽兒穿,象征幸福和團圓 把幸福和團圓連成串,沒有愁來沒有煩 站得高你就看得遠,面對蒼山來呼喚 氣也順那個心也寬,你就年輕二十年 糖葫蘆好看它竹簽兒穿,象征幸福和團圓 把幸福和團圓連成串沒有愁來沒有煩 冰糖葫蘆---馮小泉 山里紅它就滴溜溜的圓,圓圓葫蘆冰糖兒連 吃了它治病又解饞,你就年輕二十年 二 冰糖葫蘆是中國人喜愛的一種零食,尤其受到北方人的鐘愛。

    在北京,沿街叫賣的冰糖葫蘆已經(jīng)成為城市的一景,幾乎一年四季都能看到。 一支支穿滿晶瑩剔透的紅果的小棒,一律亂箭般插在稻草秸捆扎成的草靶上,微微探出街頭,誘惑著來往的行人。

    甜而不膩,酸不倒牙,一口咬下去,咯崩一聲脆,嘴里會不由自主地發(fā)出快樂的響聲。北京過年的象征 當年一。

    4. 用英語介紹下冰糖葫蘆

    Ice-sugar gourd, make many people can remember her childhood, The sweet and sour taste, favorite memories. Ice-sugar gourd, in song dynasty years began the practice of ancient formula, recorded in the history of qing years earlier, rage across, teahouse, theater, streets are everywhere, has now bee China's traditional snacks. Ice-sugar gourd enjoyed by young and old, it has appetizers, raise colour, increase the wisdom, eliminate fatigue, qingre role. Some years of the Spring Festival in Beijing on temple fair also often see string, long the top post gourd held a *** all flags, a string of on 100 to a recovery feet have weighed down by the red fruit, the bamboo stick son, take in your hand the chatter chatter, a more add a festive ambience of festival. The origin of the mentioned ice-sugar gourd, still have to say of the southern song SongGuangZong emperor. Every winter, regardless of the cities or the countryside, selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the busines *** an, or cart or shoulder, the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting. All Be in os and threes, each the size of the girl surrounded bought a bite on one, GaBengCui acid and sweet, sweet, very not pleasing may have. In people's impression, ice-sugar gourd is children eat snacks, generally a dollar a. Eat a taste of a single, occasionally, ice-sugar gourd Old reach-like doesn't pass by technology of tooth ice-sugar gourd, stick always feel that nothing good. But in recent years the old Beijing appears the flavor of various varieties with ice-sugar gourd of taste, raw materials selected, the clean health paper bag packaging quickly won the general mon people's favorite, time appeared unseen queuing bid for the phenomenon. Such ice-sugar gourd in the selection of raw materials, pick hawthorn division acid slightly sweet hawthorn for high quality hawthorn lamb-based dish. Complementary with various stuffing, dried fruit, fruit and other accessories made variety of flavors sandwich ice-sugar gourd. When the sale NuoMiZhi wrapped string, brown paper bag packaging the clean health, greatly improving the quality of ice-sugar gourd. To keep a large number of repeat customers. Consumer groups by kids expanded to *** s, and the elderly, some people to eat a ice-sugar gourd at journey faraway。

    。 (according to the age of yanjing record "records: ice-sugar gourd, but by bamboo, dealing with ShanLiGong, hitom fruit and grapes, hemp yam, walnuts, bean, etc, dip in with icing, sweet crisp and cool.) Alias: northeast area called sugar cream shandong yantai area to call drops 冰糖葫蘆,使很多人就能回憶起自己的童年, 那又酸又甜的味道,至今記憶猶新。




    在人們的印象中,冰糖葫蘆是小孩吃的零食,一般一元一支??谖秵我?,偶爾吃一支, 冰糖葫蘆老能碰到因技術(shù)不過關粘牙的冰糖葫蘆,總覺的沒什么好吃的。



    從而留住了大批的回頭客。消費群體由小孩擴大到了成年人以及老人,有的人為了吃到一支冰糖葫蘆而不惜路途遙遠 … … (據(jù)《燕京歲時記》記載:冰糖葫蘆,乃用竹簽,貫以山里紅、海棠果、葡萄、麻山藥、核桃仁、豆沙等,蘸以冰糖,甜脆而涼。)

    別名:東北地區(qū)叫糖梨膏 山東煙臺地區(qū)叫糖。

    5. 用英語介紹下冰糖葫蘆

    Ice-sugar gourd, make many people can remember her childhood, The sweet and sour taste, favorite memories. Ice-sugar gourd, in song dynasty years began the practice of ancient formula, recorded in the history of qing years earlier, rage across, teahouse, theater, streets are everywhere, has now bee China's traditional snacks. Ice-sugar gourd enjoyed by young and old, it has appetizers, raise colour, increase the wisdom, eliminate fatigue, qingre role. Some years of the Spring Festival in Beijing on temple fair also often see string, long the top post gourd held a *** all flags, a string of on 100 to a recovery feet have weighed down by the red fruit, the bamboo stick son, take in your hand the chatter chatter, a more add a festive ambience of festival. The origin of the mentioned ice-sugar gourd, still have to say of the southern song SongGuangZong emperor. Every winter, regardless of the cities or the countryside, selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the busines *** an, or cart or shoulder, the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting. All Be in os and threes, each the size of the girl surrounded bought a bite on one, GaBengCui acid and sweet, sweet, very not pleasing may have. In people's impression, ice-sugar gourd is children eat snacks, generally a dollar a. Eat a taste of a single, occasionally, ice-sugar gourd Old reach-like doesn't pass by technology of tooth ice-sugar gourd, stick always feel that nothing good. But in recent years the old Beijing appears the flavor of various varieties with ice-sugar gourd of taste, raw materials selected, the clean health paper bag packaging quickly won the general mon people's favorite, time appeared unseen queuing bid for the phenomenon. Such ice-sugar gourd in the selection of raw materials, pick hawthorn division acid slightly sweet hawthorn for high quality hawthorn lamb-based dish. Complementary with various stuffing, dried fruit, fruit and other accessories made variety of flavors sandwich ice-sugar gourd. When the sale NuoMiZhi wrapped string, brown paper bag packaging the clean health, greatly improving the quality of ice-sugar gourd. To keep a large number of repeat customers. Consumer groups by kids expanded to *** s, and the elderly, some people to eat a ice-sugar gourd at journey faraway。

    。 (according to the age of yanjing record "records: ice-sugar gourd, but by bamboo, dealing with ShanLiGong, hitom fruit and grapes, hemp yam, walnuts, bean, etc, dip in with icing, sweet crisp and cool.) Alias: northeast area called sugar cream shandong yantai area to call drops 冰糖葫蘆,使很多人就能回憶起自己的童年, 那又酸又甜的味道,至今記憶猶新。




    在人們的印象中,冰糖葫蘆是小孩吃的零食,一般一元一支??谖秵我?,偶爾吃一支, 冰糖葫蘆老能碰到因技術(shù)不過關粘牙的冰糖葫蘆,總覺的沒什么好吃的。



    從而留住了大批的回頭客。消費群體由小孩擴大到了成年人以及老人,有的人為了吃到一支冰糖葫蘆而不惜路途遙遠 … … (據(jù)《燕京歲時記》記載:冰糖葫蘆,乃用竹簽,貫以山里紅、海棠果、葡萄、麻山藥、核桃仁、豆沙等,蘸以冰糖,甜脆而涼。)

    別名:東北地區(qū)叫糖梨膏 山東煙臺地區(qū)叫糖。

    6. 中國制造的冰糖葫蘆英語作文

    Ice-sugar gourd,make many people can remember her childhood,The sweet and sour taste,favorite memories.Ice-sugar gourd,in song dynasty years began the practice of ancient formula,recorded in the history of qing years earlier,rage across,teahouse,theater,streets are everywhere,has now bee China's traditional snacks.Ice-sugar gourd enjoyed by young and old,it has appetizers,raise colour,increase the wisdom,eliminate fatigue,qingre role.Some years of the Spring Festival in Beijing on temple fair also often see string,long the top post gourd held a *** all flags,a string of on 100 to a recovery feet have weighed down by the red fruit,the bamboo stick son,take in your hand the chatter chatter,a more add a festive ambience of festival.The origin of the mentioned ice-sugar gourd,still have to say of the southern song SongGuangZong emperor.Every winter,regardless of the cities or the countryside,selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the busines *** an,or cart or shoulder,the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting.All Be in os and threes,each the size of the girl surrounded bought a bite on one,GaBengCui acid and sweet,sweet,very not pleasing may have.In people's impression,ice-sugar gourd is children eat snacks,generally a dollar a.Eat a taste of a single,occasionally,ice-sugar gourd。

    7. 中國制造的冰糖葫蘆英語作文

    Ice-sugar gourd,make many people can remember her childhood,The sweet and sour taste,favorite memories.Ice-sugar gourd,in song dynasty years began the practice of ancient formula,recorded in the history of qing years earlier,rage across,teahouse,theater,streets are everywhere,has now bee China's traditional snacks.Ice-sugar gourd enjoyed by young and old,it has appetizers,raise colour,increase the wisdom,eliminate fatigue,qingre role.Some years of the Spring Festival in Beijing on temple fair also often see string,long the top post gourd held a *** all flags,a string of on 100 to a recovery feet have weighed down by the red fruit,the bamboo stick son,take in your hand the chatter chatter,a more add a festive ambience of festival.The origin of the mentioned ice-sugar gourd,still have to say of the southern song SongGuangZong emperor.Every winter,regardless of the cities or the countryside,selling ice-sugar gourd can always see the busines *** an,or cart or shoulder,the red hawthorn in sugar film under the parcel tempting.All Be in os and threes,each the size of the girl surrounded bought a bite on one,GaBengCui acid and sweet,sweet,very not pleasing may have.In people's impression,ice-sugar gourd is children eat snacks,generally a dollar a.Eat a taste of a single,occasionally,ice-sugar gourd。


    dear mom:

    Today is thanks-giving day ,I want you to know how Ilove you ! Every moring you make breakfast for me ,you are always get up much earlier than me . I want to say thanks to you not only for this ,but also because you are one of person who love me over you life . I want to say thank you for your chatter everyday ,you love me ,so you always think I am a child. you don't think Ican take care of myself well,you nag at me . I can't say but I really feel happy.thank you mom,I loveyou!


    *** 親愛的媽媽

    今天是感恩節(jié),我想要你知道我是多么的愛你!每天早晨為了給我做早飯,你都要比我起得更早。我想要對你說謝謝不僅僅是因為這個,還因為 你是其中一個愛我勝過你的生命的人(另一個是爸爸) 我想要為你每天的嘮叨而感謝,因為你愛我,所以你總是把我當成小孩子,你認為我不能很好地照顧自己,你對我嘮叨。 我不能說 但是 感覺我真的很幸福。謝謝你,媽媽 我愛你!






